
domenica 14 luglio 2024

Things I’d like to say.

Honestly? It’s been a journey. 

I completely forgot about this blog. I was so focused in living my best life and keeping distance from social media e these kind of platforms, spaces and people that I ignored the fact that I had a blog. And I was able to communicate to you what I was going through. But I didn’t. I just lived my best life. 

And now I’m here again as I’d like to share more. I missed that contact with strangers who wanted to know me more or just curious about people’s life they won’t know about or they won’t even care that much. 

I recently started a new life back in Europe. Well, let me be more specific: I just started a new chapter of my beautiful life. 

Have no idea this time where I’d like to go or be, have zero projects or travels in mind and I am not looking for anything in particular to be completely honest with you. I am just living, again, my best life! Just here to collect more memories, enjoy my freedom and reconnect with my loved ones. 

I travelled around the SEA (spiego: South East Asia) in 2019 as mentioned in a previous post that, let me just say, I just seen and got me very emotional. I was such a little girl! First time travelling solo, so proud of the new me and so ready for the best journey I actually had so far. Not gonna lie, reading this, after 5yrs, has been intense. Powerful. And I loved it. Like the new me is reading and reconnecting with the younger me. Aww! Sweet! But let’s go back to what I was saying a second ago. 

Backpacked in Thailand, Malaysia and Indonesia I ended up in Perth, Western Australia, back in October 2019. Started a new life, got a place where to stay, a job and met few people. One of them offered me to join them for the farm jobs. Keen to extend my visa and try new things, I accepted. And thank the lord I did! Few months after we were, including you hey, all in the middle of a pandemic and I was blessed enough to be in the most isolated place in the world. No idea of any of the struggles you guys went through. No lockdowns, happy days, parties, bbq and a lot of fun. I had the best life I could ever imagine. 

Kept having the best life for few years and actually lived in Australia for almost 5 years when, a couple of months ago, I decided was my time to move back to Europe and close this chapter with the kangaroos for good. No regret, no hard feelings just a little bit of pain for not being able to see things through better earlier but still proud of me and my journey. And my last decision of leaving the country. So, long story short, I’m back! 

I’m back in Europe, I’m currently in Italy and I’m seriously considering to keep this blog, write more, share more and why not? Reopen my YouTube channel and reconnect with more people and share my life, my thoughts and my feelings as a traveller. As a solo female traveller. 

I guess the time where everyone wanted to be everywhere is over. I hope we’re all sick of social media, influencers and shit like that so I hope I won’t feel the pressure of a sponsor again, the need of strangers to steal my thoughts and the obsession of some creepy men offering me pain and misery. I hope that if I make the decision of going back to YouTube, I won’t be viral again, people will leave me the fuck alone and I’d rather be alone and sharing my thoughts with a small group of strangers than having a lot of strangers obsessed with me and my life. 

Saying that, I don’t mean that all people on social media are those people I described and I still have hope for the community, but please keep in mind that the web is a very tricky place and it’s very powerful and sometimes power doesn’t align with values or freedom. At least not with my values and my concept of freedom. 

Have you all the best Sunday of your life and stay tuned for more .. things I’d like to say! 

2 commenti:

  1. Thanks for sharing 🙃

  2. Ciao Ilaria!
    Non ci crederai mia personale avventura come Au Pair è iniziata proprio grazie a te ed ai tuoi video :D
    Era il lontano novembre 2016, ero prossima alla laurea ed ero giá stufa di parecchie dinamiche socio-lavorative (per usare un eufemismo xD) nella mia Campania.
    Quindi, nel febbraio 2017 sono partita alla volta della Germania settentrionale con una valigia piena di paure e speranze, senza conoscere una parola in tedesco. Avevo organizzato tuuutto da sola, informato la mia famiglia 1 settimana prima di partire, perché non volevo farmi scoraggiare dal loro onnipresente disfattismo.
    Sono rimasta con la mia host family 18 mesi. Ho anche provato a rimanerci in poi per cause "sentimentali" sono tornata in Italia, con il mio tedesco finalmente appreso :)
    Sono poi andata via di nuovo...perché la vita da muchas vueltas🤣
    Sono in Spagna da 4 anni e mezzo e per ora sono felices cosí.
    Viel Erfolg per il tuo presente ed il tuo futuro :)

    Con cariño,


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